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Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks to a Mississippi State University audience as part of the university's Global Lecture Series.Photo by: Beth Wynn |
The speech turned political during the second half of the governor's address as he went directly after President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. First, Romney accused the president of being either 'naive' or 'deceptive' during his recent State of the Union address for not calling ISIS what it is...a group of Islamic Jihadists that pose a serious threat to world peace and American interests abroad.
Next, the governor went after the presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton by criticizing her for pressing the 'reset' button on America's relationship with Russia. In Romney's view this 'reset' enabled Russian President Vladimir Putin to invade and seize portions of Ukraine last year. Of course, this conveniently ignores the fact that Putin's invasion of Ukraine took place in the middle of 2014, more than a year and a half after Secretary Clinton was replaced by former Massachusetts Senator John Kerry. Romney went on to remark that Putin wants to reassemble the old Soviet empire by taking invading sovereign nations, which is not what great powers do. He pointed to the enormous strength of the U.S. Military and claimed that we never use that power to invade a sovereign country. Perhaps it slipped his mind but the U.S. did recently wrap up two wars in which we did, in fact, invade sovereign nations and topple their governments (Afghanistan and Iraq). That is not to say those invasions were not justified...just that any discussion of the use of U.S. military power must include those events as well.
The final portion of Romney's speech involved his view on the economic situation in America. By his own admission, the economy has improved for many Americans, especially those who are very wealthy like the governor himself. He stated that the Obama Presidency has been very good for people like him as the stock market has reached new highs and increased the wealth of the very rich in America. He also said that for the rich, it doesn't matter who the president is because they will always do well. For the poor and middle class, however, the last six years have not been so good. He intoned that the gap between the rich and the poor has grown under President Obama, which is somewhat true as the wealthy have recovered much of what they lost when the Great Recession hit in 2008.
While trying to lay this gap at the feet of the current president, however, Romney admitted that it is part of a trend that has been going on for several decades. Yet, he claimed that 'liberal policies' were to blame and indicated that it is time to give conservative ideas a chance to work. I could be wrong but I seem to recall that more than half of the time frame covered by the rise in the gap between the rich and the poor has been presided over by Republican Presidents and Republican Congresses. To be fair, the governor did criticize both parties for failing to take the actions necessary to ensure a prosperous future for all Americans, though he did not go into detail about what those actions might entail.
Finally, in a rather surprising appeal, Romney indicated that it is well past time for Republicans to stop paying attention solely to the voices that are important for winning the Republican nomination and to start paying attention to those who typically view the party as hostile to their interests, minorities and the poor. Only by doing this, Romney said, will the GOP stand a good chance to win a general election and recapture the White House. It was, in essence, a tacit admission that the strategy he employed in 2012 to capture largely older white voters is doomed to fail in 2016 as the share of the electorate comprising that demographic continues to decline. In 2012, Romney famously said he did not need to pay attention to the '47% of Americans who refuse to take responsibility' for their lives and just want a handout from the government. Today, it appears, that he realizes Republicans cannot win the presidency without reaching out to at least some of those voters. In this writer's estimation that is a positive development if the party follows through with it.
So...does this mean Governor Romney is planning to launch a campaign for the presidency again? To be honest, I'm not sure. What I do know is that whatever happens with the GOP over the next 18 months or so, Governor Romney wants to be a part of that conversation. Like America (according to the governor), the Republican Party has a leadership problem today. It is like a ship adrift with all the crew members thinking they should be captain. The last Republican President, George W. Bush, has dropped off the face of the earth it seems, except for news of a new painting or a book praising his father every now and then. He certainly has shown no indication that he wants to be an elder statesman for the party the way former President Bill Clinton has for the Democrats. The elder Bush, George H.W., is in frail health at 90 years of age and unable to travel much these days. So the party has no true leader. It seems that Gov. Romney, as the most recent nominee for the GOP, is trying to put himself into that position. Only time will tell just how successful he will be in that endeavor.
Overall, the evening was informative and Gov. Romney seemed very at ease discussing everything, including his loss to President Obama in 2012. On election night in 2012, just after the networks called the race for President Obama, my wife told my then six year old daughter that Barack Obama had been reelected President of the United States. My daughter asked, 'Momma, is Mitt Romney sad"? Judging from his speech last night and the ease of which he spoke about the 2012 campaign I'd have to say 'no, he appears to be doing just fine.'
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