Thursday, February 23, 2012

Why Rick Santorum MUST Win the GOP Nomination

The time has come once and for all to drag all the dirty, rotting, decayed skeletons out of the closet of the new conservative movement.  It is comprised of lots and lots of crazy people who believe an awful lot of crazy things.  From accusing Barack Obama being a manchurian candidate ineligible to serve as president to being a secret muslim who has declared war on religious freedom to being a right-wing Nazi, movement conservatives have literally lost their minds.  Remember Michele Bachmann? The former candidate for the Republican nomination who famously attributed mental retardation to vaccinating children against deadly diseases?  Movement conservative.  Newt Gingrich, current candidate for the GOP nomination, who famously declared that you can't understand Barack Obama until you understand his 'Kenyan anti-colonial mentality'?  Movement conservative.  Or how about the group in Kentucky with the creation museum featuring dinosaurs with saddles on their backs?  Clearly Adam and Eve rode those behemoths to get around.  Movement conservatives.

That brings me to the latest and greatest movement conservative, GOP frontrunner Rick Santorum.  At a speech before the Missouri primary in February he said,

"In the Netherlands, people wear different bracelets if they are elderly. And the bracelet is: ‘Do not euthanize me.’ Because they have voluntary euthanasia in the Netherlands but half of the people who are euthanized — ten percent of all deaths in the Netherlands — half of those people are euthanized involuntarily at hospitals because they are older and sick. And so elderly people in the Netherlands don’t go to the hospital. They go to another country, because they are afraid, because of budget purposes, they will not come out of that hospital if they go in there with sickness."

The only problem with Santorum's statement?  It isn't even remotely true according to this research.  Nevertheless, crazy people salivate and applaud when he (or any other movement conservative) repeats this kind of nonsense.  The Republican Party used to be a party comprised of sane, rational people who simply had a different vision of how to make America great.  It was the party of Lincoln and the party of Theodore Roosevelt.  It was the party of Dwight D. Eisenhower.  No longer.  Those great men would have nothing to with today's GOP and its movement conservatives.   Of course, they'd likely have nothing to do with those Republicans In Name Only (RINOs) either.  That's not to say all conservatives are crazy or all Republicans either (there is a difference, the two are not synonymous), just that the GOP tolerates and encourages the extremely crazy ones in a way that no other party does.  Democrats, with the possible exception of Maxine Waters, disavow the left-wing nuts openly.  The GOP caters to them through Fox News and talk radio.  It gives them op-ed space in the Wall Street Journal.  So it's about time they actually nominate one of them.  Let the fruit of the poisonous tree be displayed in the bright sunlight for all of America to see.   The mainstream media has to expose this movement for all Americans to see what it actually is.  Truly insane.


  1. I don't think you'll get your wish. I think Romney will get the nod and be the next POTUS.

  2. I agree, except for the part about being POTUS. If by some chance he fails to get the nomination I think it will rupture the Republican Party and leave it in disarray for several years.
